Selector of CSS

Referenced from CSS Dinner.
Hava fun with it!

Type Selector

Select the element by their type.


Selects all elements of type A.Type refer to the type of tag.So
<div>,<p>,<ul> are all different element types.


p selects all <p> elements.

ID Selector

Select the element with an ID.


Selects the element with a specific id.You can also combine the id
selector with the type selector.


#cool selects any element with id = "cool".

Descendant Selector

Select an element inside another element.


Selects all B inside A.B is called a descendant because it is
inside another element.


#fancy span selects any span elements that are inside the element
with id = "fancy".

Class Selector

Select the elements by their class.


Selects all elements with that class attribute.Elements can only hav
one id,but many classes.


.fruit selects all elements with class = "fruit".

Comma Combinator

Combine,selectors with …commas!

A, B

Selects all A and B elements.You can combine any selectors this
way,and you can specify more than two.


p, .fun selects all p elements as well as all elements with
class ="fun".

The Universal Selector

You can select everything.


You can select all elements with the universal selector.


p * selects any elements inside all <p> elements.

Adjacent Sibling Selector

Selects an element that directly follow another elements.

A + B

This selects all B elements that directly follow A.Elements
that follow one another are called siblings.They are the same lever
or depth.


p + .intro selects every element with class="intor" that
directly follow a <p>.

General Sibling Selector

Select elements that follows another element.

A ~ B

You can select all siblings of an element that follow it.This is
like the Adjacent Sibling Selector(A + B) except it gets all the
following element instead of one.


A ~ B selects all B elements that follow a A.

Child Selector

Select direct child of an element.

A > B

You can select elements thar are direct children of other elements.
A child element is any element that is nested directly in another

Elements that are nested deeper than that are called descendant


A > B selects all B that are direct children A.

Pseudo Selector

  • Firsht Child Pseudo-selector

    Select a first child element inside another element.


    You can select the first child element.A child element is any
    element that is directly nested in another element.You can combine
    this pseudo-selector with other selectors.

    p:first-child selects all first child <p> elements.

  • Only Child Pseudo-selector

    Select an element that are the only child element inside another


    You can select any element that is the only element inside another


    span:only-child selects the <span> elements that are the only
    one child of some other element.

  • Last child Pseudo-selector

    Select the last element inside another element.


    You can use this selector to select an element that is the last
    child inside another element.

    Tip -> In cases where there is only one element,that element counts
    as the first-child,only-child and last-child.


    :last-child selects all last-child elements.

  • Nth child Pseudo-selector

    Select an element by its order in another element.


    Selects the nth(Ex:1st,2nd,3rd etc.)child element in another element.


    div p:nth-child(2) selects the second p in every div.

  • Nth Last Child Selector

    Select an element by its order in another element,counting
    from back.


    Selects the children from the bottom of the parent.This is like
    nth-child,but counting from the back.


    :nth-last-child(2) selects all second-to-last child elements.

  • First of Type Selector

    Select first element of a specific type.


    Selects the first elements of that type within another element.


    span:first-of-type selects the first <span> in any element.

  • Nth of type Selector


    Selects a specific element based on its type and order in another


    .example:nth-of-type(odd) selects all odd instances of the example classes.

  • Nth-of-type Selector with Formula


    The nth-of-type formula selects every nth element,starting the count
    at a specific instance of the element.


    span:nth-of-type(6n+2) selects every 6th instance of a <span>,starting
    from(and including) the second instance.

  • Only of Type Selector

    Select elements that are the only ones of their type with of
    their parent element.


    Selects the only element of its type within another element.


    p span:only-of-type selects a <span> within any <p> if it is
    the only <span> in there.

  • Last of Type Selector

    Select the last element of a specific type


    Selects each last element of that type within another element.
    Type refers to the kind of tag,so <p> and <span> are different


    div:last-of-type selects the last <div> in every element.

  • Empty Selector

    Select elements that don’t have children


    Selects elements that don’t have any other elements inside them.


    div:empty selects all empty <div> elements.

  • Negation Pseudo-class

    Select all elements that don’t match the negation selector


    You can use this to select all element that do not match selector "X"


    div:not(:first-child) selects every <div> that is not a first

Attribute Selector

Select all elements that have a specific attribute.

  • [attribute]

    Attributes appear inside the opening tag of an element,like this
    <span attribute="value" .An attribute don’t always have a value,
    it can be blank.


    [type] selects all elements that have a type="anything" attribute.

  • A[attribute]

    Combine the attribute selector with another selector (like the tag name selector)
    by adding it to the end.


    a[href] selects all elements that have a href="anything" attribute.

Attribute Value Selector

Select all element that have a specific attribute value


Attribute selectors are case-sensitive,each character must match


input[type="checkbox"] selects all checkbox input elements.

Attribute Starts With Selector

Select all elements with an attribute value that start with
specific value.

[attribute ^= "value"]


.toy[category^="Swim"] selects elements with class toy and
either category="Swimwear" or category="Swimming".

Attribute Ends With Selector

Select all elements with an attribute value that ends with
specific value.

[attribute $= "value"]


img[src$=".jpg"] selects all images display a .jpg image.

Attribute Wildcard Selector

Select all elements with an attribute value that contains
specific characters anywhere.

[attribute *= "value"]

A useful selector if you can identify a common patter in things like
class,href or src attributes.


img[src*="/image/"] selects all images that show images from the
“image” folder.

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  • Copyrights © 2022-2023 Ataraxia
